Sunday School
Sunday School classes are continuing their study of the book of Acts. Donut Fellowship is at 9:15 am and the small group sessions begin at 9:30 am. If you do not have a small group already, someone will meet you in the foyer of the education building to help you find a group that works well for you (all ages).
Older Adult Co-ed Classes:
- Ken Miller Class
- Ronnie Peace Class
- Danny and Debra Price Class
- Jerry Webb Class
Median Adult Co-ed Classes:
- Paul and Barbara Class
- Brad Kincaid Class
- Bryant Turnage Class
Young Adult Co-ed Class:
- Dustin Brown Class
Ladies Class:
- Andra Tipton Class
Twenty Somethings Class:
- Dale and Donna Griffin Class
Student Youth Classes:
- Eric Johnson - Senior High Boys
- Kurt Underwood - Mid-High Boys
- Linda Brown and Cheryl Perrault - Senior High Girls
- Dasha Johnson and Renee Underwood - Mid-High Girls
Children's Sunday School Classes:
- 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Classes
- 1st & 2nd Grade Classes
- Pre-K / Kindergarten Class
- Nursery / Toddler
Discipleship Classes
Discipleship classes will be offered on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM. Each session will last one hour, and the following options are available:
Our next series of Discipleship Classes will start back on January 12, 2025, at 5:30 PM in various classrooms throughout the facility. More details of what classes will be offered will be coming soon. Bro. Dale will be leading a Sunday evening Bible Study on the book of Joshua in the Worship Center at 5:30 PM. Contact Pastor Paul or Bro. Dale for more information regarding these classes.