All church members are encouraged to participate in the provision of food for needy families in the area. The Food Pantry will be open again on Saturday, April 19, 2025,10:00 am to 12:00 noon. If you would like to donate or offer help, please contact Shirley Bryan, Linda Brown, Dustin Brown or Brenda Harness.
General Pantry Needs:
Boxed Mac and Cheese
Rice Bag or Box (brown or white)
Pasta/Spaghetti Noodles/Sauce
Boxed Cereal/Oatmeal
Evaporated Milk
Canned Chicken
Canned Tuna
Canned Meat
Peanut Butter
Raman Noodles
Cake Mixes
Canned Fruit/Veggies/Soups
Pancake Mix & Syrup
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Dry or Canned Beans
Food Pantry Focused Needs for this month are canned fruit, tuna and chicken.
Envelopes are available in the pews for monetary donations or simply note your check Food Pantry. Items can be dropped off during regular service times on Sundays and Wednesdays or during regular office hours, Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 2 PM.